New Year New You, Resolutions, and other January cliches! (Part 2 of 3)
We just survived the holiday season! Often times filled with temptations, indulgences, and foods we're not used to on a regular basis....

Making new healthy habits, an acupuncturist's perspective
As an acupuncturist, I'm always trying to help my patients create healthy choices and habits that support them feeling good in their...

To dairy or not to dairy, input from an acupuncturist
Guess what! I'm actually not anti-dairy. In fact, I eat dairy regularly. Yay- bring on the cheese! Kind of.. Let's start at the...

An acupuncturist's thoughts on food
Let's talk food! We get bombarded from so many channels with the latest diets, food trends, and superfoods- all of which seem to change...