How to find a qualified acupuncturist: Part One

Curious about trying acupuncture, but unsure how to find the right practitioner? It can be daunting enough as it is to try something new- especially when that something new is having a stranger prick your skin with little needles! How do you find someone you can trust?
A great starting point when looking for an acupuncturist is online directories. Specifically, I recommend looking at acupuncture societies and associations. Try searching in one of the following directories:
1. National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)
NCCAOM is the national certifying body for acupuncture and oriental medicine. It is through this commission that acupuncturists take national board exams and get certified. (Please note: certification is not the equivalent of state licensure.)
2. Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Society of Massachusetts (AOMSM)
AOMSM is a professional organization local to Massachusetts. In this directory you can find information about their members.
3. New England School of Acupuncture (NESA)
NESA (my alma mater) is the oldest acupuncture school in North America. NESA maintains a directory of both alumni and non-NESA graduates alike. Search here for licensed acupuncturists in Massachusetts.